Mar 11Liked by John Hawthorne

After the SOTU I wanted to see if Sen. Langford chose to post anything, since his big moment caught on camera was "It's true. It's true." (lip reading) to Biden's remarks about the bipartisan boarder bill rejected by Republicans. Here was Langford's FB post that evening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QPqlPEF7Cc&t=376s

I am glad you emphasized the importance of our voting and to do our best to ignore their strategy to spread fear not truth. The last paragraph of McQuade's book you quoted is so very powerful. Thanks for taking the time and care to write this blog.

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we had over 200 people RSVP to her event at the bookstore where i work; glad this is being talked about and cool to hear your take on this too.

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