I thought the "F" stood for fighting, since the article was about manliness. And in our culture manliness requires fighting at some level.
I recall my dad, when I was quite small, listening to a boxing match between Ali and Frazier that was broadcast on the radio (was it the "Thrilla in Manila" I wonder?). Later when I actually saw a match on TV I wondered why people were fascinated to watch two grown men pound each other. It was pretty distasteful.
Mr. Driscoll, in his message above in your post, is anxious to campaign against LGBTQ etc. I wonder why he doesn't announce a fight against homelessness? Against poverty? He has a platform, so why not fight for a universal basic income, for medicare for all -- these are things that (in my opinion anyway) Jesus would would resonate with. Now that would be manly!
The Prince of Peace is the manliest man who ever lived.
Thanks again John! You always make me think. God bless!
I thought the "F" stood for fighting, since the article was about manliness. And in our culture manliness requires fighting at some level.
I recall my dad, when I was quite small, listening to a boxing match between Ali and Frazier that was broadcast on the radio (was it the "Thrilla in Manila" I wonder?). Later when I actually saw a match on TV I wondered why people were fascinated to watch two grown men pound each other. It was pretty distasteful.
Mr. Driscoll, in his message above in your post, is anxious to campaign against LGBTQ etc. I wonder why he doesn't announce a fight against homelessness? Against poverty? He has a platform, so why not fight for a universal basic income, for medicare for all -- these are things that (in my opinion anyway) Jesus would would resonate with. Now that would be manly!
The Prince of Peace is the manliest man who ever lived.
Thanks again John! You always make me think. God bless!
Thank you once again John for educating me. I know of some Mars Hill debacles, but few details about them.
I like to think I'm a manly-man, but I don't know what UFC is. (I think I'm glad about that.)
God bless!
Ultimate Fighting Championship