Your tongue-in-cheek edit hits the nail on the head. That edit is, sadly, not far from what many conservatives would to be an improvement. (I was conservative years ago, but now done with them. I am in no political camp. We could use a viable third party, but I digress.)

As a Christian I suggest part of promoting the general welfare is a UBI and basic healthcare for all. I proposed these things to my SS class some weeks ago but received back blank stares and some pushback.

Now that abortion will go away in many states, all of us need to pay higher taxes to provide for impoverished moms to have a safe delivery of the baby, insure that mom and baby have good health care and shelter, etc. I am happy with higher taxes for such worthy causes. Everyone must sacrifice to provide for people in need—anything less is not Christlike.

Thanks for enduring my rambling John. Thank you for your insights! God bless.

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