May 23, 2023Liked by John Hawthorne

We have a kid in a public middle school (in MI) and the history teacher keeps playing PragerU videos in class. All the cultural hype about parental rights in public schools seems to only apply to "certain" parents (right-leaning). Left-leaning parents care about public schools, too, but may be more apt to trust the judgment of professionals, like teachers - even though this is sometimes misguided (PragerU???). But I don't want public school to be a Nietzschean struggle for dominant power. The minority (which in MI will eventually be conservatives) should have voice, even if through opt-outs. I don't want liberals to do what conservatives are doing to their opponents when the tables get turned.

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Have you tried suggesting alternative sources? My wife loves listening to the Now and Then podcast with two historians. Have you talked to the principal or spoken at a school board meeting? Maybe not now, but at the start of the next school year to set the stage from the get-go.

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Thanks. Yes, we plan on speaking up. Daughter is concerned about retaliation so wants us to wait until end of school year. As an educator myself, I have internal struggle between "this isn't right - I need to speak up" and "I don't want to be a whiney, high-maintenance parent to school admin who have tough jobs to begin with."

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May 23, 2023Liked by John Hawthorne

You have been so helpful to me! After living close to Chicago for 8 years then moving to Ohio - I am just struggling to know where to start. I am thankful I live close to Columbus, but the dis/misinformation scattered throughout by far-right groups is unbelievable. I am not sure what to do. I am not sure where to begin and how to advocate against book banning and education takeovers.

Thank you for your insight and service on these issues. I will continue searching for “what is mine to do.”

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I think it's harder to do without some personal connection to the school. But if you have friends with kids in the school you could encourage those parents to speak up at a board meeting and/or provide them with materials that could bolster their case. Of course, you'd be a great school board member if you decided to run for the next opening! (My board position is at a charter school, so it's a self-perpetuating board rather than an elected position.)

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May 23, 2023Liked by John Hawthorne

I really appreciate your sociological analysis, John! I'm currently in DeSantis-land and I have no idea how this state functions. Diverse yet fundamentalist. Ferraris + monster trucks with obscene bumper stickers about guns. This place is a paradox, but I can't stay away because 🌴🌴🌴

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May 23, 2023Liked by John Hawthorne

Yay for the Nuggets! Finally 🥂

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