Another book I'm going to have to read, apparently! Thanks for the pointer.

Minor editorial item: why the "sic" in the quotation from p. 15 of the book: "Rawls’s [sic] theory". Are you questioning the possessive on "Rawls"? If so, note that the latest couple of editions of the Chicago Manual of Style now call for 's on all proper nouns ending in sibilants, so we now get even "Moses's torah" and "Jesus's cross." MLA and other guides still avoid the final s; but if the author was required to follow CMS, he used the correct form.

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Old habits die hard!

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Love this. Worth knowing that as a young undergraduate Rawls was a Christian and aimed to go in to the ministry, and his Princeton senior thesis was deeply theological (but he lost his faith while a soldier during WW2)... it also revealed the roots of his later views on justice and dignity. https://www.hup.harvard.edu/books/9780674047532

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