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John - appreciate your thinking on this and I wonder what are some examples of this deep story in action? One that comes to mind that exerted a lot of rhetorical force in this election, is the deep story of the "economy" (which you eluded to). Is that a deep story in at least a loose way and what might be the sources for reviving a more solidarity oriented deep story around this "household of exchange" (Oikonomia) that profoundly shapes our lives?

Some food for thought here comes from a paper by Lubos Pastor and Pietro Veronesi at Chicago Booth School of Busines where they created a simple model that predicts every election since 1927 on the basis of whether the economy was good or not (and the results are counterintuitive). Would love to hear what you think: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/the-economy-has-been-great-under-biden-thats-why-trump-won

Podcast interview: https://www.chicagobooth.edu/review/podcast/this-100-year-old-pattern-explains-trumps-victory

(Full disclosure: I work at Booth.)

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